
Blogs Hosts: erotic authors

These wonderful people host authors of Erotic Romance.

The Blue Night, Black Iron, Golden Rope is cutting back on the erotic romances reviews. With a few exceptions, she'll be reviewing/featuring work she has personally read, from authors she knows. She's still very interested in M/M anything, but cutting back on M/F contemporary romances and paranormal romance. Seems there are already tons of review blogs devoted to those, and she's not reading the genre that much. She's not really interested in are inspirational romance, Young Adult, and New Adult categories. Contact Crane at cranehanabooks at gmail dot com for info or to schedule a date.

Fiction With a Passion hosts authors of romance, erotic romance, or erotica. Guest blogs may be on a variety of topics related to the theme of the book, the craft of writing, or may include a recipe along with blurb/cover/brief excerpt to be featured on Too Yummy Tuesday. Contact jroseallister at gmail dot com for info or to schedule a date.

Beyond Romance hosts authors every Wednesday and Saturday. Typically she is booked several months ahead of time. Because she writes erotic romance and erotica, her blog is behind a warning screen, but she's happy to host non-erotic books as long as the authors don't mind this.  Contact her at for more info.

Katya Armock host authors on her blog on Wednesdays for her Wednesday Words feature. The rules are simple: Talk about one to five words that you love. You can say why you love them, show examples of how you've used them in your writing, tell about the history of the word, etc. She also host guest blogs and book spotlights and is open to all genres. She writes erotic paranormal romance, but she likes to read a variety of genres. Here's her general disclaimer: I am OK with all heat levels, but please refrain from the commonly objectionable content you see detailed as no-nos in most publishers' guidelines. Please go to for more details.

Adriana Kraft hosts mostly erotic romance. A basic blog or interview with your cover, blurb and excerpt is what she normally posts. She does ask that you keep your blogs to under 100 words. Blogs are also due four days before your scheduled blog.  Contact her at adrianakraft99 at yahoo dot com for more info.

A.J. Wiliams does author spotlights on Mondays and Fridays unless you have a specific date in mind. If you wish to write a blog the only restriction she has is no blogs about religion or politics. She does most genres as long as there is romance in the book. All she needs is your book cover, media links, social links and blurb. Please contact her at ashlynnwiliams81 at  gmail dot com for more info.

Patricia Green Books hosts erotic romance authors. If there is spanking or BDSM in the mix, that's encouraged. She hopes no one is offended but she doesn't do M/M or M/M/F manage but does to F/F and F/F/M menage. She does apologize but she needs to think about what her readers expect from her. Please contact her at pig at patriciagreenbooks dot com for more info.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Barbara. I'm in the process of revamping the Blue Night blog, so I'm having to cut down on the number and kinds of reviews I'll be posting in the future. With a few exceptions, I'll be reviewing/featuring work I have personally read, from authors I know. I'm still very interested in M/M anything, but I'm cutting back on M/F contemporary romances and paranormal romance. Seems there are already tons of review blogs devoted to those, and I'm not reading the genre that much.
