
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Welcome My Latest Guest: Patricia Green! #RHACafe

Author questions for my Blog:

I want to welcome Patricia Green. First I’d love you to introduce yourself.

Thank you for having me here, Barb. It's a pleasure to meet your fans.

I'm a full-time author, writing under my real name, in the spanking romance sub-genre. I've been working full-time at writing fiction for about 5 years. Thus far I've had several bestsellers and USA Today featured books. Recently, I took a writing partner for my new BDSM product line, Karin Ito. She's been a joy to work with, though I don't know how many BDSM books we'll write together simply because I've got a lot of obligations with my publishers.

In my spare time, I read, knit, crochet, and watch hockey when it's in season.

Tell us about your latest release.

Well, my latest release is Discipline Down Under, but I believe you wanted me to come to talk about Master of Two the new release in the BDSM line.

Master of Two tells the story of Renee, Amiko, Kevin, and Ross. Renee, Kevin, and Amiko are a mated triad. Kevin is the Dom for the two submissive women. When Amiko is kidnapped, it throws the triad into disarray and Kevin must do something to get his lover back. He and Renee embark on a wild chase across Europe, searching out Amiko and trying to get her back from the evil Countess who stole her away. Helping Kevin and Renee is Ross. He's a real bad-boy, thorn-in-the-side for Kevin, but he's a marvelous private investigator. What Kevin cannot do, Ross can do. Together, they find Amiko and bring her back home while punishing the Countess.

It's an intense, BDSM romance, sometimes M/f/f, with an adventure plot.

Now I have a few questions for you – I have found readers do like to know fun things about us writers.

1.) Who is your favorite villain – it can be from a book (even one of yours), movie or TV show. And why?

My favorite villain in any of my books thus far, has to be the villain in Charlotte & the Pirate: Romantek. He's a diabolical, revenge-filled, crazy person who would do anything to bring down his former employer, Romantek. He goes to great lengths and gets into personal peril in order to make his attempt. In the end, he gets away, though he is horribly injured in the process. He'll come back again in a future Romantek book, I'm sure, just as evil and twice as determined.

2.) Who is your favorite character out of your books? Why?

That's a tough one, since I've got more than two dozen books to choose from. I'd say it's a toss-up between Ace Journey of my Journey Family Series, and Eddie Strong of Eddie, My Love: Romantek. Both are strong, Alpha males, who take no sass from their feisty women, but they love them deeply and are quick to show their affection. Ace is a former bull rider, and Eddie uses private investigator skills to solve a murder case in Romantek.

3.) What do genre do you write? What made you pick that one?

I write erotic spanking romance (primarily). There's a lot that can be done in the context of sassy women and their firm-handed dominant men. I got in it because I was bored and dissatisfied with the traditional romance and romantic fairy tales I was writing at the time. A friend pointed me at Bethany's Woodshed (a subsidiary of Blushing Books Publications), and I was off and running. I've never regretted the decision.

4.)What are you working on now?

There is a new and unique series, published by Blushing Books and their subsidiary, Lazy Day. It's a collection of books written by an assortment of authors, but what they all have in common is the little community the characters live in: Corbin's Bend. Each is a complete novella and they can be read in any order, but this community is specialized and encourages spanking among consenting partners. The stories are highly romantic and fun reading. I'm writing a Corbin's Bend book right now.

5.) What got you to start writing?

I was a technical writer out of college. I didn't think I could make any money at fiction, though I kept writing it in my spare time. At one point, while writing a sexy romance, I felt that the sexuality was over the top for that particular audience. I cut out the scenes and made short stories out of them. A friend suggested that I submit the shorts to a particular, very prominent publisher of erotic fiction, and so I did. They called me the day they received them, and offered me a contract. That was in 1993, and though I didn't go full time for many years afterward, I was encouraged to continue writing fiction and happily  had some success at it.

6.) Where do you get your ideas from?

I get my ideas from a variety of places: songs, people I meet (that's where the characters of Master of Two came from – I know them in real life, though they don't exactly have the crazy adventures in real life that I've given them in the book). I also get ideas from other books or short stories I've read, so, for example, the Romantek books are a combination of ideas from Robert Heinlein, Philip K Dick and Larry Niven's work. They're decidedly science fiction but SF and romance take equal billing on my reading list.

7.) What would people who read your work be surprised to find out about you?

I am such an open book! With the internet and social media being all that it is, I feel like people know everything about me but my shoe size, and I'm sure they could find that by tracing my shopping habits. I guess a few people don't know that I was an actress/model before and during the early parts of college, when I lived in Los Angeles. I did okay, but after about five years, I was pretty much fed up with actors/actresses and decided to get out of the business. Fortunately, I was in a position to change my major to English Literature and with some additional classes in technical writing, I was able to get off the crazy carousel that makes up Hollywood.

8.) Do you have any special talents?

I like to think writing is a special talent. Other than that, I'm pretty good at yarn-based crafts.

9.) What was the one piece of advice you received when you were an aspiring author that has stuck with you? Why?

Write more books! This was emphasized by any number of very successful current authors, and it really made a difference for me. So, I went out and wrote more books…and more books after that. Now I'm up toward 28 (if you consider my ancient pen name that I no longer use) and still feel like I've got a lot of stories yet to tell. "Write more books" is the advice I give to all new authors.

10.) If you could talk to any famous figure (present, past or fictional) who would it be and what would you talk about?

I would have loved to chat with Dorothy Parker. She was a brilliant wit, a bit cynical, and a very talented writer and poet. She was something of a tragic figure in some parts of her life, but she made acerbic jokes about the rough situations rather than wallow in them.
Chatting about her dreams and aspirations for herself, the hurdles she had to overcome as a writer, and the lost opportunities and love in her life would be very elucidating, and I'm sure, inspirational.

11.) What song would you say describes your life?

"Addicted to Love" by Robert Palmer. I think it suits what I do to a T.

12.) If you could come back as any animal – what would it be?

A well-loved domesticated ferret.

Discover the world of Kevin Watson and his two lovely partners, Renee McNamara and Amiko Saito. 

In this story, Kevin and his women are sundered by an evil Countess, who claims to be in love with Amiko, so kidnaps her and drags her to the continent as her slave. Kevin can't countenance the loss of one of the women he loves and he and Renee embark on a mission to retrieve their partner and bring her back home to Los Angeles. 

There are tribulations and dominance challenges along the way, often complicated by their rough, hired private detective, Ross Adler. Kevin's sadism peaks and valleys along with his moods. Renee is brokenhearted that her friend and lover is missing but she is devoted to Kevin and his harsh way of showing his love. Amiko's experience is brutal and a trial to the lovely woman's fortitude. 

Can Kevin and Renee vanquish the evil Countess? Will they get Amiko back, and if so, in what condition?

When her mother tires of supporting her during one halfhearted career pursuit after another, twenty-year-old Peggy Fisk is left with only one choice… to seek support from her father instead. He lives in Australia, but that fits just fine with her brand new plan for a career in nature photography. After running off two guides in her first month, however, Peggy is left with one last hope for a trip to the outback—a rancher-turned-bush-guide named Tripp Ruf.

Within seconds of laying eyes on Peggy, Tripp finds himself acting in the nick of time to prevent a snake bite. He is pretty sure things will only go downhill from there unless he puts his foot down and puts it down fast, and Tripp lets Peggy know that he will be the only boss on this trip. He also warns the beautiful, sassy American that careless behavior will earn her a sound spanking, but if her cute little behind ends up bared over his lap, Tripp fears that his biggest problem won’t be the dangers of the outback, it will be keeping his desire for her in check.

It isn’t long before Peggy puts Tripp’s word to the test and learns that a hard spanking delivered by a work-roughened hand is nothing to be taken lightly, but in spite of his strict discipline and his brash arrogance, Peggy grows more and more attracted to her rugged, handsome protector as the days pass. Can she dare to hope that her time with Tripp will leave her with more than just memories, or will it all end in heartbreak for the feisty American and the firm-handed Aussie?

Here are the buy links:


  1. Thank you for having me over, Barb!

  2. Good interview Patricia. I am not into threesomes, but the excerpt sounds like one hot and heavy story. Good luck with sales
