
Friday, April 27, 2012

Editing Heck!

I am slowly losing my mind with all the things I have to do all the sudden. Life was nice and quite. Had plenty of time to work on my fourth book. Then the publisher I edit for asked me to work on two short stories. Sure no problem. It should be easy. Then the owner asked me if I could work on a longer manuscript. I should be done with the short stories pretty quickly  - I can do that. Then my next release hit my e-mail. So now I'm suddenly editing three stories at the same time.

I finished the short stories. Which did help - but I'm working on my sixth book in the series too so I have four books open and keep shifting from story to story to work on what I can - deadlines are looming and my brain is melting.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Brain Freeze

You know I get these moments when I don't know what to write. I'm not talking about my books - my characters keep me writing so there is no problem there - it is writing things like this blog. It's like my brain just goes 'urk' - let's talk about warm fuzzy kittens. Really? That is all you can come with?

I blame it on all the writing I've been doing for other blogs - with three books coming out in five months I've been trying to do as much promoting my tiny budget can handle and a lot of the blogs are great for that. I seem to be able to get those done but when it comes to my own little blog I falter. Oh well. I'm sure it will get better.